Monday, May 18, 2009

80s and Sunny

I didn't have my bugg on for most of the day. Since it was so hot and because I went swimming I opted to go without it. It only accounted for 616 steps! Otherwise the evening was pretty uneventful. I did have to take some Ibuprofen because I was a little sore :-)
On another note: I am planning on moving. It may happen sooner rather then later. I pay $1,000 per month rent for a studio apt. and my lease is up. They are more then likely to increase my rent but I have found a 1 bedroom for $900. The only thing is I need to move by June 1st. I will find out in the next few days so stay tuned. Until next time...


  1. That's almost $100 a month less (okay, math's not my strong suit).

  2. Mine either! There are some advantages and disadvantages to the move but yes bottom line it will save me money.


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