Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Cell Phones in the Bathroom

Did well on food yesterday. I was feeling stressed so that helps with the not eating part. I am going to my moms tonight to help her with some things and talk about some stuff.

I have been meaning to write about this for awhile. There is a lady in the office next to ours that likes to talk on her phone in the restroom and it annoys me to no end. I usually go about my "business" when I hear her on her phone. Sometimes I will try to make some "extra" noise to try and send a message that it is not cool. Well today I decided enough was enough. I went into the stall and slammed the door. I just asked her straight up "Can you please get off your phone?" She asked me why (as if it needs an explanation) and my response was "It is rude and unprofessional" and she hung up with the person. She then said "Well there is no sign saying "No cell phones in the restroom" I had thought about putting one up and my response was that most people know better and don't need a sign as a reminder. She then asked why no one has said anything to her before and I said because they didn't want to be rude or offensive but today I had just had enough! She then told me to be quiet and did not want to hear me anymore. I proceeded to ramble on some more about how it is a free country and I can say what I want... she then slammed out of the bathroom and I came out of the stall after she had left and washed up and went back to work. Until next time...



  1. Way to tell her! Do you feel better?

    Have a pleasant visit with your mother.

  2. I do but I feel a little guilty for chewing her out.

  3. Don't feel guilty! She needed to know she was being inconsiderate.

  4. Ha ha, being the sarcastic biotch I can be sometimes, I probably would have brought a whoopie cushion and started making all kinds of loud fart noises. The person on the other end might have gotten the clue that she was in the bathroom and might have wanted to end the conversation. Would have been end of story.
    I'm glad you told her. Don't feel bad about it. Some activities deserve some privacy; that is one of them.

  5. Regular cell conversations in the bathroom, while ON THE THRONE is just gross and weird. Way to go speaking your mind! That took a lot of guts. :) I don't know how many times I've held my tongue to avoid seeming rude or alienating/angering someone. But sometimes, we just have to get over it and SAY SOMETHING. I bow down. :)

  6. Go Katie J!!! I have often wanted to ask the person on their cell in weird places "is that conversation REALLY necessary right now?" but never had the nerve. You are the (wo)man!!!

  7. I agree. Phones don't belong in the restroom. I wouldn't even use mine at home. Yuck! It's one of those TMI kind of things.

  8. Ha! Way to go on tell that lady. I totally agree... it's just rude.

  9. If I had been in a better mood yesterday I probably would not have done it but... oh well...

  10. Way to go on speaking your mind! You will not be a pushover! Letting people walk all over my friends, and friends not sticking up for themselves is a pet peeve of mine. Good job sticking to your guns!

  11. Phones and bathrooms don't mix. Go you on telling her what was what. We need more people in this world who will call people out on their rude behavior. Way to go!

    Also, if that calorie count is finished for the day, nicely done!

  12. Thanks Hadley and yes it was for the whole day. I was stressed so I didn't eat very much.

  13. Way to let her have it. Talking on the phone whilst doing ones business is a big no-no. I think it would be funny if you printed up a sign and put it in the women's bathroom, "No Potty Talk!" with a picture of a cell phone.

  14. Talking on the cell phone while in the bathroom is so weird! And icky. Ew...

  15. My friend said the same thing Katie. She was like ewww think about borrowing her phone - blech

  16. Bathroom drama! But honestly, that is just rude and kind of gross.

  17. Ugh that's so so gross! Go outside, it can't be THAT far. Or, OMG not talk on the phone at work?! Way to be assertive

  18. I can't stand it when people do that either. The director's AA does it in our bathroom, and I think it's disgusting. I have 2 friends that tinkle while on the phone with me. I hang up on them. When they call back, I give them hell. But they still do it. Ick.

  19. It certainly does creep me out! I mean seriously...why can't you just wait until you're off the potty! I can't believe that a phone call is so important that you can't wait until you're done! I also think that about people who have long drawn out conversations while driving in heavy traffic. I mean if you're on a country road in the middle of no where that's one thing, but I've seen people eating, putting on makeup and talking on the phone in morning traffic! People survived just fine without cellphones for hundreds of years I bet you can wait until you're to work.

  20. It's disgusting to think what the person on the other end of the phone is hearing while she's calling from the potty. ICK! Good for you for telling her how rude it is. She'll get over it. People suck. I bet she asks her friends and they all give her a weird look, like...ah, you didn't call ME from the bathroom, did you?? LOL!

  21. I've always wanted to say something but never have. One time I was in the rest room and I answered the person beside be not knowing at the time they weren't talking to me they were on the phone - ugg.

    I sure don't want people listening to my calls. Don't they think of that?

    Have a good one.

  22. Oh gosh, that is just gross beyond gross. Rude, uncooth, gross, ewwww.

    You did the right thing and shouldn't feel one bit guilty. Some people are so clueless!

  23. I don't think you should feel guilty at all! You did a good thing!


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