Monday, August 10, 2009

Heavy Heart

As I mentioned before my mom is having memory issues. She is 76 years old. She wanted me to come over yesterday because she was having trouble balancing the checkbook and paying some bills. I told her no because I had other things planned and was just not in the mood. I of course felt guilty about it all day. I spoke to one of her doctors last week and he seems to think she is okay. He has not treated her for all that long and has referred us to her primary physician. She also has Macular Degeneration and one of her eyes is getting worse so she may not be able to drive much longer. Her eye doctor said she should limit her driving to familiar areas and to avoid the freeway. According to DMV she should not be driving but did grant her an extension until the end of this month. I love my mother with all my heart but it is challenging being in charge of her and me. We have been through A LOT together. She is a Breast Cancer survivor (2001) and had a Triple bypass with valve repair on her heart in 2007. I feel like I am making good progress with my own health and need to make sure I don’t get sidetracked but meanwhile take care of her. My brother is in Colorado so he can't help. It is going to be a tightrope walk but somehow God will give me strength to handle it like he always does. BIG SIGH… Until next time…



  1. The hard thing when dealing with older people is recognizing their sense of urgency with stuff - while WE know that balancing a checkbook can wait a day or two, it's all THEY can think of until it gets taken care of. It is a huge balancing act for you, and will be a challenge. Sending you good wishes as you enter this phase with your mom.

  2. I'm so sorry Katie, it is hard to see your parents getting old and needing help, I know.

  3. Im so sorry to hear about your mom! Ill keep her and you in my prayers!

  4. Katie, I'm so sorry to hear that about your mom. You are in my thoughts anyway :) But I'll add your mother to my prayers.

  5. Thank you ladies! I was hesitating about posting all the gory details but I am glad I did.

  6. That must be really stressful :( Just remember that you CAN do it. You're strong and anything that you work hard for can be done. :)

  7. I will keep you and your mother in my prayers. I know how strenuous it can be to care for yourself and a loved one. Good luck to you!

  8. Hi Katie,
    I think it is important for "blogger's" to be real and to share aspects of ourselves that aren't perfect or pretty or nice. I am glad you have shared...
    I try remember what is said on a plane when it comes to taking care of another... "FIRST put on your oxygen mask then assist others". You need to be healthy for you and for you to help others. Take good care of yourself.

  9. Good luck with your mom! It is so hard to care for others and good luck finding a balance!

  10. Don't feel guilty. You can only do so much a day and you must come first.


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