Sunday, January 24, 2010

My Guide for Me with You

I want to love you without clutching
To appreciate you without judging
To invite you without demanding
To leave you without guilt-feeling
To join you without invading
To critizize you without blaming and
To help you withot insultling.
If I have the same from you, we can truly meet

~ Virginia Satir ~

P.S. I found this poem today as I was going through my mementos and thought I would share. It really does fit for any kind of relationship doesn't it? By the way, there are 7 hearts in the picture. Can you find all of them?


  1. Katie,
    I just love the poem! Where did you get this?

  2. I'm so glad you took down the sand dollar post. I used to live in FL and used to see them harvest the sand dollars. Thousands upon thousands of these beautiful living things still alive and sufficating, streaming sea water on the backs of trucks in flats to be taken to the sheller's where they'd be tossed in vats of bleach to strip away their flesh and organs to leave the white skeletons that the tourists loved to buy for a dollar or two each... and in many cases they were killing these things because of the story of the sand dollar. I find it so hard to believe that any God would encourage the death of his creatures for the edification of his people, or to decorate their homes!

  3. Wise stuff.... to join without invading....
    We are such a wounded group - could we even tell the difference?
    I asked someone once if "love" were near, would we even know it, or recognize it?
    I want it too.

  4. oooh the CLUTCHING is so so true around here.

    holding on loosely is so tough to do and yet, for me, the only path to a healthy relationship.


    from friends to husband.

  5. Beautiful! And yes, it fits every kind of relationship or instance.

    I am so glad you posted that! Your blog is so inspirational! I am such a fan!


  6. Beautiful poem. Thanks for sharing it..

    No way I'm able to find 7 hearts in that. After spending more time than I'd like to confess looking at it, I'm at three with a very sketchy 4th.

  7. I think I got six. 5 definite. :) Beautiful words and a beautiful image. Thank you for sharing it.

  8. Beautiful picture, Katie, I only found 3 hearts. Nice poem too, thanks.



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