Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Office vs. The Hangover

I got a decent deficit yesterday so I am happy with that. My mom decided she did not want to work on the office and wanted to go see a movie instead. She said she wanted to see The Hangover and I was a little shocked. She is fairly hip for being in her 70s though. I had heard mixed reviews and she usually looks at the reviews in the newspaper so I figured it was safe. Well... I thought it was totally funny but the language, sexual content and drug references were not something I expected my mom to handle very well. Surprisingly she thought it was funny too and did admit that she didn't understand some of the things that were said. I told the gal next to me that I was with my mom and she said her 81 year old Aunt had suggested that she and her hubby see it! Next Saturday we are going to see UP in 3D so that will be cool. Until next time...


  1. Moms always seem to know more than we give them credit for. Either that or they miss the mark entirely!

  2. UP! Was a great movie. It has great themes. I hope you enjoy that one too!



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