Thursday, December 31, 2009

10 for 2010

Calories burned: 2147
Calories consumed: 1997
Calorie Deficit: 143

Had tacos for dinner last night. I went overboard and had 4 of them hence the small deficit. Also had a snack of toast and peanut butter.

I put together a list of 10 goals for 2010 and they are as follows:
  1. Continue to lose weight but increase the rate of loss to 1.5 - 2.0 lbs. per week. Slight modification on calories consumed and definite increase in calories burned (See #2) My short term goal is to get down another 40+ pounds by April 12th. It will be tough but achievable. Rate would need to be 2.9 per week.
  2. Make exercise a priority. Hoping that I can use the pool at the Senior Center. I do have a gym membership at 24hr Fitness (13 years) and signed up for the Super Sport location that is closest to my apt. It is state of the art and I need to start being a regular there. If I am unable to get to the gym I will improvise with a workout DVD at home like Zumba or Belly dancing. Minimum of 3 days per week.
  3. Go to church more actively. I have not been going as regularly as I was in the past and I always feel better when I am going consistently. I also need to go alone instead of just when Deb and Larry go.
  4. Financial stability. I am close to paying off my debt (4 months) and need to start aggressively paying off student loan. Stop being such a shopaholic. I will expand on this topic in an upcoming post.
  5. Read more. I am currently reading Have a Little Faith by Mitch Albom. It is a real page turner and it is sparked a desire to read more actively again. I go through spurts of it but I am always happy to get back to it when I do.
  6. Update my skills. Need to keep current with the latest software and technology. I want to take a class at my local college.
  7. Paint ceramics. I love to paint ceramics and even started a little business called Kate's Kreations a few years ago. My claim to fame was bowls that I painted to look like watermelons. I was even approved to sell my wares at the local Farmers Market but I never had enough stock to sell. I will show you some of my artwork in a future post as well.
  8. Handle my relationship with Dave. Enough said.
  9. Nurture the friendships and relationships that matter most. Spend time with Debbie and Lesley as Debbie gets treated for her Cancer. Spend as much time as possible with my mom as well.
  10. Update my resume. I like my job and I have been hear for 6 years but I am in a rut. I want to take on some additional responsibilities to add to my position. Talk to D.M. about it.

Not sure what I will be doing tonight. Dave has to get a tooth pulled so he will be in bed. I most likely will go out with Danielle to the Can't Say. I will bring my camera and hopefully have some updated pictures for you all. I am not happy with the ones I took at Christmas. Note to self: Don't give a drunk person the camera :-)

Wishing you all a Safe, Sane and Healthy 2010!!! Until next time...

P.S. I have Internet at home again so I will be able to post over the weekend. It is not set up "properly" but it works so that is all that matters.


  1. Hey Katie,

    Congratulations on your recap of progress from yesterday, which I didn't comment on because I didn't read it until today. You've really hung in and continued to press on.

    I like that you included other goals besides just the weight loss and fitness ones. I might do that tomorrow. Like you, I want to read more, spend less, get out of debt, and I need to wean myself off TV. If I turn the TV off, I automatically read more. Go figure!

    Have fun tonight - be safe. Looking forward to the pictures.

  2. Great goals!
    I appreciate you and your encouragement. Here's to a wonderful 2010!

  3. That's a good list of things to strive for. Happy New Year Katie!

  4. Great list of goals and love the...Note to self: Don't give a drunk person the camera :-) that is so true!! Happy New Year

  5. I wish you the best to accomplish all of the goals in the upcoming year! :)

  6. Those are great goals. Happy New Year.

  7. It sounds like you have some great New Years resolutions! I'd love to see pictures of your artwork.

  8. I am so impressed with all that you have accomplished in 2009! Congratulations! I think you goals for 2010 are great! Happy New Year! Here's to a happy and healthy 2010.

  9. Sounds like good goals to me :) Have a Healty, Happy New Year!~

  10. Very thoughtful goals, Katie...I know you can do everything you set your mind to! Happy New Year, my friend!

  11. I have enjoyed reading your blog over the last year! Here is to a healthy and happy 2010! You inspire me!!


    P.S. I haven't posted my 10 in 2010 yet, but your first 5 are on my list too! Great minds think alike!

  12. Happy New Year!!!! I know you will attain those goals! We will be right here rooting for you!!!!!

  13. Great goals!! Happy New Year to you!

  14. Happy New Year. What great goals and achievable. Can't wait to see you achieve them.

  15. You have wonderful goals! I'm anxious to watch you achieve them!

    Can't wait to see your ceramics! =)

  16. Great goals. 2147 calories burned?! *WOW* That's awesome.

  17. Great list of goals. I have no doubt you will reach them.


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