Friday, March 5, 2010

Friday the 5th

I had a munchfest last night. I waited too long to eat and then grazed and grazed. Not pretty... I am surprised I actually had a deficit. Ugh... Moving on...

I got a kick out of the responses to my list yesterday. Out of all the comments no one guessed correctly! LOL! I am not nearly as worldly as you guys think!
  1. I have flown a plane - I have been on many but never have flown one
  2. The first time I went skydiving I was 12 - I have never been skydiving but would love to someday.
  3. I am a commissioned artist - Actually this one is the truth! I paint ceramics and have done art projects for numerous people. Some of my artwork is on permanent display
  4. I won the California State Lottery - Nope, I don't even play.
  5. I have travelled to 22 countries - Would love to do this but don't foresee it happening
  6. I have been on 14 cruises - This summer I will be going on my 4th not 14th.
  7. I have 7 dogs - Honestly, I would love to have that many dogs if I had the room for them.

I do have a list of recipients to pass on the award to but will post them at a later time. Thanks again Patty for giving me the award. That was fun coming up with the list!

I am going to switch gears here. I have been doing some self examination and have been analyzing certain behaviors that I need to change. I am going to talk about them here from time to time. The first one is Defensive. According to Webster the definition is:

Main Entry: 1de·fen·sive
Pronunciation: \di-ˈfen(t)-siv, ˈ-ˌ\
Function: adjective
Date: 14th century
1 : serving to
defend or protect 2 a : devoted to resisting or preventing aggression or attack

Ever since I was young I have been defensive. I would imagine it stems from being a kid and being teased for being overweight. I consider myself to be a fairly nice person but if you make character judgement or call me on something I can instantly become very mean and lash out. Mostly it is verbal but I have even gotten physical in the past. Being a sensitive person does not help either. Sometimes I misinterpret what someone is trying to say and think they are personally attacking me when they aren't at all. This behavior has gone on for so long that it is hard to shift my thinking but I know that it is something I need to let go of. I think the key is to consider the source and not to filter what the person is saying. Also, forgiveness I think plays a role. I need to just forgive those who has transgressed against me and move on. Easier said then done but I think well worth the effort.

Tomorrow I am helping Danielle's mom and boyfriend move. There are going to be at least 12 of us so it should not take long at all. It is going to be raining on and off but I should be able to get outside at some point hopefully. Even if it rains, exercise MUST be on the agenda. Until next time...


  1. I always love learning more about you.

  2. I must have been in a haze yesterday-I didn't even know we were supposed to guess-haha! Have a great weekend~

  3. Defensive. I know what you mean. I too feel defensive around people. Because I always assume that the first thing they notice and silently (or not so silently) judge is my weight.

    Thank you for sharing this about you!

    Of the 22 countries you have visited, which one was your favorite? How did you win the lottery if you didn't play? What do you like best about being an artist?

    Have a fantastic day!!


  4. I dislike my grazing days! I find if i eat a solid breakfast it helps.

    thank you for your feedback ont he leprechan project that was a great idea!

  5. Hi KJ -

    Great post. My - you are an excellent liar! That would have been my 2nd guess.

    It's great that you're trying to do some self assessment. Not easy to look at ourselves. But one thing for sure, once you really identify a tendency or behavior and own it (accept it), the possibility to change is endless. Change is hard too and happens very slowly. But we can't change something if we aren't even aware of it. Good work on the interior of Katie J. It'll pay off big time over the years. As I recognize things about myself, it helps in all areas, including overeating. And remember, you aren't defensive. Rather, one of your behaviors is is a tendency to be defensive, and it's something you'd like to change. You are much more that defensive! For every liability, try to identify and asset. You have zillions of those!

  6. I'm defensive, too. It's hard not to be! (Hmmm, there's that defensiveness now...) At least you're aware of it, and hey, that's part of being able to make changes.

  7. Boy, when the grazing starts, there's no telling where it will lead to. Way to hold it in check enough to produce a decifit...

  8. I hope the grazing has ended and your back on plan today! Love that list about you - so fun! You should post some of your art pieces sometime, I would love to see them.
    I hear ya on the defensiveness - I tend to be that way as well.

  9. I hate when I wait to long to eat.. It always turns out bad. Hope you have a great weekend.

  10. I would definately love to scrapbook that for you-can't wait-I think I will post screen shots-at least once a week of them all :) I can't wait to start-I told my friends at work so I won't feel weird with it on my arm-judgers judge all you want-I'm gonna be h-o-t in one years time :)

  11. Hubbend tends to get sick of me being defensive and misinterpreting his words. We've finally gotten used to each other. But, I know what you mean. I still find it rearing it's ugly head at the worst possible moment. You're doing better, and it gets easier. (which you already know it sounds like)

  12. Over-sensitivity and defensiveness is horrid - been there, done that... Even now, I will go over something someone has said to me with a fine tooth comb and read far more into it than was meant... :o(

    I also have a bad habit of dragging things up from the past... :o( It's not a good thing to do, and I'd really like to learn to 'let things go', but I don't know how...

  13. Yep - grazing sux.
    So I don't even go there, girlfriend!
    Who knows how and where it will end up.
    Well, besides ending up on my butt!
    Hand to mouth syndrome, I call it!

  14. Just catching up on your last couple of posts...

    Congrats on another award; you very much deserve it! And what a fun spin on the normal awards out there... I LOVE the things you wrote as possibilities! Very creative!

    Nice introspective second half to this post too... it's good to analyze ourselves from time to time to try and improve where we can.

  15. Oh! You should show us pictures of some of your ceramics some day. That's really neat!

    I'm pretty defensive too. I think people are insulting me when they're not fairly often as well. It's a hard habit to break!

  16. Congrats on the award! Well deserved, and I totally loved reading your list.
    Way to go on not letting the grazing thing get too ahead of you. That waiting too long to eat thing happens to the best of us at times I think.
    Loved your introspective on "defensive". I too tend to be overly sensitive. I think I'm getting better though.:-)
    Hope you're having a great weekend!


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