Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sugar Doll Award & Giveaway Winner!

As I mentioned yesterday, here is the proper posting for the Sugar Doll Award I received recently. Here are the rules:

1. Thank the person/people who gave you the award:

Mary, you are a fellow Cali girl and I love your positive attitude and honesty. We would have fun hangin out for sure! Thanks for thinking of me.

Sarah, you always have something sweet to say and I appreciate all your comments. If you lived close by, we would be on a first name basis with the people at Target! Either that or we would both have to work there to cover what we were spending!

2. Name 5 bloggers that make your life a lil sweeter:



3. Why I was given the award?

Mary said to all the award recipients: Because they have all been so incredibly supportive and motivating. You are all wonderful to me and I can't express to you how much your kindness means to me!!

Sarah said Katie J is full of tips. I swear she always has something interesting to share and might I add she is doing a giveaway on her blog right now. We share a love for Target too!

4. Tell the nominees why you gave them the award.

I think all my followers are sweet (except for you Jack!) and would love to give ALL of you the award but these 5 ladies have been exceptionally sweet and caring and I want thank you dearly for being in my corner and rooting me on.

As for the Because I said So Award, I don't have to do anything for it and you want to know why? "Because I said So!" Since I had to limit who I gave the Sugar Doll Award, I am going to give this one to ALL of you and you want to know why? "Because I said So!"

Now on to the Winner of the Giveaway. Thank you again everybody for entering. There were over 60 entries! I wish I had a set to send to all of you. If you are interested in purchasing them, they are available through Measure Up as well as Target. So without further adieu... the winner of the set of bowls is Amber at The Long Hard Road Out Of Hell! Congrats Amber! Please email me your contact information and I will get them sent out to you. Until next time...

P.S. I will be doing another Giveaway soon so stay tuned :-D


  1. Thank you for the award - you are totally deserving! Me? I am honored that you think so!!!

    Congrats to Amber - those bowls are really cool.

  2. I'm so excited to receive them!!! Thanks Katie :)

  3. Congratulations on the award - you deserve it! And congratulations to Amber for winning the giveaway. Off now to check out her blog. :o)

  4. You are right about needing to work there. I used to when I was 17 and between the discount and finding out what was on clearance first I swear I needed another job! Congrats on the other award & to Amber!!

  5. so excited for Amber!
    congrats on your awards!

  6. Congrats on the awards. Don't they make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside?

  7. Whoa! Thank you for the award. . . I feel so honored.

    Also, congrats on BOTH of your awards! :)

    Amber, congrats on winning.


  8. Miss Katie J. - you sweet lady. . . I just wanted to tell you thank you for checking in on me. I truly appreciate knowing that someone cares. Just so you know, I am doing fine. Not great, just fine. This whole pregnancy has really thrown me for a loop and I'm trying to just enjoy it, but the weight thing is getting to me. I'll make it though. Soon, I'll be back in the game - right? Thanks again. Brooke

  9. Well, thank you, Katie J! I love awards! :D The "Because I Said So..." award is especially fitting--according to those who know me. Personally, I have no idea to what they are referring! chuckle.

    And don't forget to email me the details re: the ladybug ceramics if you're still able to make them. If you've thought it over and have had second thoughts, please don't sweat it. I understand.


  10. Underneath it all Jack can be sweet...he just plays mean. lol


  11. LMAO at the Jack comment! :oD

  12. Awwwww. you make my life sweeter for sure~

  13. *stays tuned*

    way to go on the awards missus.


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