Thursday, April 22, 2010

Tales and Scales

Had a nice evening with Dave. I needed to keep my dinner mild so we had Teriyaki chicken with some rice and broccoli. It was yummy! I played on the Wii for about 10 minutes and then bundled up to watch Idol and then went to bed. I was SO happy to sleep in my own bed!

Got on the scale this morning and I am down another lb. to 256. That is 1 lb. from my lowest on this journey. I am hoping that with the increase in activity: Wii and Personal Training that the lbs. will come off a little quicker. Slow and steady can be relentless sometimes...

I am feeling much better today, thank goodness. I was actually doing a naked happy dance this morning because I felt good and I can walk around the apartment wearing whatever I want (or not!) for the first time! It was very liberating. Sidenote: Today is the 1st day I have had coffee all week so that is another good sign. I missed my coffee!

I recently bought a Bissell Little Green Machine. I had heard that it worked really well on carpets and upholstery and I got it on sale for $99. Well, we used it on the carpet a few months ago and it worked well but I was not sure how it would do on the couch. Well while I was dog sitting, Dave did the couch and it looks WONDERFUL! It is a handy little gadget and I think it would work really well for families with small children. It is so lightweight that you could even get them to help you carry it. I would imagine you could find them on sale or on eBay for a little cheaper. I got ours at Bed, Bath & Beyond (I love that store!)

I am picking up my car at lunch time today. Bye bye, Mazda 5, I will miss you! I have an appt. with Grace (Personal Trainer) at 6:00 p.m. I wanted to mention that in addition to the book recommendations, she suggested I take a multi-vitamin which I do not do currently. She was not brand specific but Apex has a product line that includes vitamins and they are cheaper then retail so I signed up to get them on a monthly basis. They will be shipped automatically. Until next time...


  1. Just remember slow and steady wins the race! ;-) You go!!

  2. Oh let me know how the trainer thing goes. And um - woot on the loss! You are kicking azz!!! Smooches!

  3. Congrats on the loss! Every little pound helps!

  4. Woot Woot on the pound!

    Glad you are feeling better too!

  5. We used to have a Little Green and yes, it worked really well - plus you got a great upper body workout when you cleaned something like the couch, lol!

  6. Congrats on another loss!!! I am so happy that you are home and can be yourself. Who knows the weight might even start falling off since some stress has left your life!

  7. The losses just keep on coming, well done.
    That little green machine looks neat.

  8. The Happy Naked Dance. 3 cheers for your own bed!

  9. Hooray on the loss! Keep your focus and stay consistent and the pounds will keep coming off :) It's not a race, it's a lifestyle.

    Good luck with the personal trainer! They can be...grueling at times haha. Even I am terrified of them.

  10. Congrats on another pound GONE! :) WHOOHOOOO!

  11. gratz on the loss! how nice it must have felt to sleep in your own bed. Like to know how it goes with the trainer as well :) Have a great Friday

  12. Congratulations on your loss! I want one of those Little Green Machines, too. I have a big rug scrubber up in the attic and I NEVER use it. I need something for those everyday little 'mishaps.'


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