Monday, October 25, 2010

Monday Musings

How was your weekend? Mine was good and mellow thankfully. Saturday my mom and went and got her a printer. It was $69 for an HP Printer-Scanner-Copier. I was impressed with the functionality for such a low price. I would really like to use the scanner for making a photo collage in the near future. Should be fun and pretty easy.  Sunday was fairly uneventful. I did not go to the gym. I did some retail therapy at Bed, Bath & Beyond. I needed to get a cover for our box spring and of course found some other things I just couldn't live without! The rest of the day I pretty much took it easy. I made Mahi Mahi with a Mango and Peach salsa for dinner last night. It came out really yummy and I was pleased because I was winging it.

I did wear my bugg throughout the weekend but did not track my food. I did pretty well with my food although I did consume a lot of snacks yesterday afternoon. With the cool weather and rain it makes me want to hibernate and eat. I am definitely affected by SAD which is Season Affective Disorder. It takes me a little while to adjust from summer to fall/winter mode. Ironically, one of the treatments is to get some exercise. Ummm, hello Katie, what are waiting for??? A personalized invitation?? Someone to hold your hand and drag your ass there? It is NOT a big deal. Just walk in with your chin up and head held high and get to it!! You are a strong lady and you have achieved everything you have set out to do in your life so why the heck are you stalling?? Until next time...



  1. I have been feeling the same way about the gloomy weather - and I haven't felt that way since I lived up in Oregon. Something about the clouds and all this season is getting to me - but I hope that we're both able to overcome it SOON!

  2. Glad you had a restful mellow weekend. They're the best. That mahi mahi dish sounds awesome! Recipe, or did you just wing it?

    The long shadows of fall do indeed being on a different mood for me as well - not depressed, but subdued and ready for hibernation!

  3. Good pep talk! It's the first step that is so hard...I was there, practically paralyzed, for YEARS, before I started working out. Is there anyone you can get to go with you - at least for a few weeks, until you feel comfortable enough to go by yourself?

  4. My weekend was over so fast! Now I am working it seems to disappear. I have one of those printer combos. awesome.

    Ive been bad with tracking.
    And no exercise my foot still hurts :(

  5. That was such a good pep talk that I am going to go for a walk!

  6. Girl I wish I could've gone to Bed, Bath and Beyond with you! LOVE THAT PLACE! A little too much, I suppose. :) Anyway- the Mahi sounds fabulous too- glad you had such a good weekend- keep up the good work lady. xoxo


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