Friday, September 2, 2011

I'm the Mama

I am not going to talk about WL today…

I took my mom to her appt. yesterday and basically had to throw her under a bus about all her habits as of late and her behavior. To complicate things, they lost her blood work results so she has to go back and have that redone. I was beyond frustrated about it and tried to hold my composure but it got a little heated between me and her doctor. We resolved it and have a plan of action. Her weight was 119 and her blood pressure was 160/90 because she is not taking her meds properly. Ughhhh…

We were in the car after having a bite to eat at Fish Market and she told me “You’re the mama” and “It’s your turn now” which kinda freaked me out. It is a big responsibility and it weighs heavy on my heart but like I have said before, we always manage to pull through these life altering events. It is going to take a while to get her stabilized but I have hope that once she gets back on her meds and is eating properly that she will be better able to handle things.

My brother is coming tonight and my mom asked me if I was going to “bail” out on the weekend since he was here. It was funny to hear her using my lingo. I told her I was not sure if I would be around and she requested that I at least come over and relay the state of affairs to him. I think I can handle that but I could also just put it in writing for him. We will see I guess. Mom also mentioned that they were going to see The Help. I have been holding out on seeing it so her and I could go together but now she is going with him and asked if I could come too. I am so close to blowing a gasket with him, I am not sure if I can handle spending any “extra” time with him.

As far as the weekend goes, I don’t have much planned. Danielle and I are going to go to the Flea Market and walk around. I don’t really need anything but it is always fun to look and get some exercise. Last time we were there we walked 12,000 steps! I want to go to the gym and I do have an appt. on Monday to meet with Riley. I hope you all have a great 3 day weekend. Until next time…


  1. Your mom sounds like she is trying really hard to patch up some issues with you and your brother. It seems like she doesnt want what ever is happening to be happening. I know it is more complicated than a "for mom" deal, but, that is just an outsider reading this post and looking in. I hope everything goes smoothly this weekend. The Help looks soooooooo good, if you do see it, please oh please oh please, either comment on my blog and tell me how it is/was or in a post, just kinda throw it in. I wanna see it to, but the hubs isnt a HUGE fan of the chick movies... even though he watches 'P.S. I love you' everytime it is on, no matter where it is at. LOL!!

  2. Ok, well...this may be just the place your mother needed to come to in order to settle down and do what she needs to do to get healthy. I have three brothers- one I'm very close with; one I'm sort of close with; and the other one is a jerk. A total jerk. He wanted no responsibility with any of us for over 15 years and now that the parents are starting to have health issues, he shows back up. Sorry bud. Too late to get in the wills.

  3. How old is your mom? And, maybe once her meds are (hopefully) straightened out, she'll feel more like her old self and won't need to rely on you so much. I agree, though - role reversal is startling. Probably it wouldn't be easy no matter how old you are.

  4. They should NOT have your mom redo the bloodwork! Her insurance may not pay for it if its done to soon!! If she has diabetes they will usually pay for an A1C every 6 months. Other labs, usually once a year. The office SHOULD call the lab and have them refax or resend the results............... If the lab lost the results they should redraw for free!!


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