Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sunday Stuff

Here is my list of 6 recipients of the Over the Top Award:

Confessions of a Plus Size Girl
In[fat]uation it will eat you
In weigh over my head
South African From Cape town living in Germany
The Amazing Shrinking Girl

If you have not had an opportunity to check these blogs please do so. They are all very inspiring and motivating ladies!

Went to brunch with my mom. Didn't have the energy to do much more then that. We were going to work on her office. She has an appt. tomorrow with a neurologist regarding her memory loss. She would be downright mad if she knew that I was talking about her on my blog but it is my outlet and she does not read it. Side note: I had my church pray for her vision issues and she did not like the idea of everyone knowing about it and she has never gone there. Well, back when we were in Seattle we talked about it her memory loss and her comment was "The grown-up thing to do is to get it check out and see if it is Alzheimer's or another issue." It is so scary but we will just have to deal with the cards we get dealt. *Big Sigh*

Just going to continue to rest for the remainder of the day. Hope this cold goes away soon. Until next time...


  1. OMG!!! Thank you, Katie!!!
    You made my Sunday. :D

    I'm hoping that your Mom will be okay and I'm wishing the best for her ... and YOU as her daughter. It's stressful not knowing.

  2. Sending healing thoughts out for both you and your Mom!

  3. Hello Kate
    THANKS SO SO MUCH FOR THIS really touched out of so many bloggers you chose me to be one of the *Over the top* blogs..
    Cant wait to get to Germany so I can do this as well now.
    One week to go then am back home again...:)

  4. Congrats on your award. =)

    The situation with your mom is scary--not knowing, figuring things out. Yet I like the attitude about dealing with the cards dealt, because there is nothing you can do but that.

    My mom was like that, didn't want anyone knowing her business. I'll keep your mom in my prayers.

  5. Congrats on your award and thanks for mine. My prayers go out to you and your mom. Hope all is well.

  6. Will be thinking about you and your mom today.

    I know how stressful the cognitive struggles/and QUESTIONS can be.



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