Monday, January 4, 2010

Monday Mumblings

What I planned to do and what I did this weekend were two different stories. I did not see my mom at all. My imbibing left me a little out of sorts on Friday and a little funky in the belly. Saturday I pretty much hung out and watched movies etc. and yesterday was a repeat BUT I did get all of my clothes put away which was a feat in and of itself! I have not had all my clothes washed and put away since I moved in to this apartment! I also took down all the Christmas decos but need to put them away still. Eating was spotty at best. I did not eat enough either day. I end up eating 2 meals and I don't get enough nutrition and my blood sugars get a little whacky. Something I need to work on. I also finished the book I was reading. I totally recommend it! It is Have a Little Faith by Mitch Albom. Here is an excerpt; This is one of the sermons the Rabbi Reb gave in 1975:

A man seeks employment on a farm. He hands his letter of recommendation to his potential employer. It reads simply, ‘He sleeps in a storm.’ The owner is desperate for help so he hires the man.

Several weeks pass, and suddenly, in the middle of the night, a powerful storm rips through the valley. Awakened by the swirling rain and howling wind, the owner leaps out of bed. He calls for his new hired hand but the man is sleeping soundly.

So he dashes off to the barn. He sees, to his amazement, that the animals are secure with plenty of feed. He runs out to the field. He sees the bales of wheat have been bound and rapped in tarps. He races to the silo and the doors are latched and the grain is dry.

And then he understands ‘He sleeps in a storm”

“My friends, if we tend to the things that are important in life, if we are right with those we love and behave in line with our faith, our lives will not be cursed with the aching throb of unfulfilled business. Our words will always be sincere, our embraces will be tight. We will never wallow in the agony of “I could have, I should have.’ We can sleep in a storm. “And when it’s time, our good-byes will be complete.”

I think those are wonderful words to live by. This book really struck me. I have already passed it on to one of my coworkers. I have read all of his books and enjoyed each one immensely. He is a sports writer by trade but I haven't seen any of his columns on that subject matter :-)

I hope you all had a nice weekend. Until next time...


  1. I love Mitch Albom's books and stories. When my husband died, his books were comforting.

    Try to see It's Complicated, though, It is really funny.

  2. what a beautiful passage; thanks for sharing!

    And welcome back to the grind! LOL

  3. I just finished listening to that book. Can't say enough good things about it.

    Here's to a new week!

  4. Nice passage, thanks for sharing it!

    Isn't it GREAT to have all the laundry done and put away at once?!? It's the little things, I swear! :)

  5. what a great quote! Thanks for sharing!

  6. That is awesome!
    Thanks for sharing that story!

  7. It sounds like a great book. Thanks for the recommendation. Happy New Year!

  8. Great story. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Thank you for sharing that, Katie! That was very powerful.

  10. Inspirational! I loved his "The five people you meet in heaven" One of the quotes in his book, Im probably gonna get tattooed on myself when I reach goal weight! :)

  11. Those are wonderful words, and I'm glad you shared them, Thanks.



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