Monday, March 8, 2010

Monday Madness

Hope you all had a good weekend. Saturday I helped Danielle's mom and boyfriend move with a bunch of our friends. We started around 10:00 a.m. and were done about 3:00 p.m. It was a two story so I was up and down the stairs which was good but boy are my legs sore. They are STILL sore this morning! I didn't do diddly squat yesterday because I wasn't feeling well. My belly was funky, my allergies were flaring up from all the dust and I just wasn't in the mood to do anything as you can tell by the calorie burn for Sunday. Eating was fairly crappy too. Ughh... Back on track today for sure!

I am super frustrated with my upstairs neighbor who is also the on site manager. His father owns the complex but lives in Las Vegas and has his son "manage" the property. Well he is a freakin nut job in every sense of the word. He is on Meth and PCP according to another one of the neighbors. Lovely huh? What put me over the edge was yesterday morning. There was two incidents where things were thrown and there was broken glass all over the place. He happened to come downstairs to do something so I mentioned it to him and his response to me was "Well f*cking sweep it up then!" This was before 9:00ish in the morning on a Sunday! I was totally shocked but commented back that I was not trying to attack him but to just calmly let him know. My issue is that there are small children that live in the complex that ride scooters and bikes where the glass is and also for the fact that I am diabetic and if I step on a piece of glass and it punctures my foot I can be in serious trouble.

This morning he started yelling at 5:15 a.m. He yells so loud I can hear what he is saying and one of the things he said was "I don't give a f*ck about the neighbors!!!" I am trying to approach this in a tactful manner. I tried to talk to him calmly and collectively to give him an opportunity to clear it up but obviously that was not effective so the next step is to either call his father or tell the police. I hate to have to do it at all but something needs to be done.

Today is International Women's Day. 2010 marks the 100th such day in history. International Women's Day (8 March) is a global day celebrating the economic, political and social achievements of women past, present and future. In some places like China, Russia, Vietnam and Bulgaria, IWD is a national holiday. I happened to notice this on Dave's calendar. I never knew that it existed until I looked it up. Have you heard of it before? Well I apologize for this being such a ranty post. I am just at my wits end with this and needed to get it off my chest. Hopefully the rest of the day is better. Until next time...


  1. Good luck with the apartment manager, it's never fun to deal with. My thought would be call or write to his dad becuase he probably dosen't know what's happening. Congrats on your weightloss so far, we have basically the same goal weight and the same starting point. I'm also using the bugg and trying so hard to stay on track!

  2. Oh my gosh, I can't believe that guy! How frustrating to have to deal with that and feel like you can't do much. I hope you are able to reach the dad :(

  3. So sorry you have a crazed drug user for an apartment manager. Good grief that would be frustrating. There are sure a lot of miserable people out there!

    Have a good Monday, KJ.

  4. I would be so upset if I had to put up with that. You are paying rent and there is no reason to deal with that. Hope your Monday went better.

  5. What a horrible burden to have to deal with idiots like that. I hope you get it resolved soon!

  6. That's rough about the apt. manager. I agree that a phone call to his dad is probably in order. He might not be aware of his son's mental state.

    Happy Us Day!

  7. Oh--that is a terrible position to be in! this guy sounds like he could retaliate if he gets wind that you talked to either the police or his father. Tread genley.

    I'd wait a couple of weeks before I pursued either of the above (You're sure to have additional situations come up that need to be addressed!) and then do it anonymously. This guy sounds like trouble!


  8. Well, Happy Woman's Day. I did not know of it. We should all collaborate on making it some big ta da. :D

    That sounds annoying. Meth heads are the worst. Be careful. They get violent.

  9. You could also look into the Housing Authority. They would have to have documentation of things like the glass, but that would definitely get their attention. Of course they would hate you forever...It's his job though. If he's not doing it than make a pest of yourself to his dad and call in a noise complaint.

  10. well...I've had bad neighbors and I always went with calling the police (for offences that warrent it). THen you have a record of complaints and the father will HAVE to do something about the son as the mananger. Letter writing of formal complaints etc is good as well.

    Good Luck!

  11. Wow Katie-that sucks about the neighbour-I would call the father and the police. Its so scary dealing with ppl these days. I bet you burned a ton of calories moving things on Sat ;)

  12. I was so disappointed in myself when I read yesterday on my flight home that it was INTERNATIONAL WOMENS DAY.
    I never miss it---this year I did.



  13. So sorry - only just read this post... What an awful situation to be in. Do you think his dad is aware of how he behaves in his absence? Under the circumstances, I wouldn't approach the son directly... Although I'm fairly confrontational by nature, if I knew someone was a meth/PCP user, I'd leave well alone and let the police handle it.

    I really hope you get this sorted and some sort of peace can be restored...

    Patsy x


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