Wednesday, March 3, 2010

New Bugg on the Block

I did okay with food last night except for the Cinnabon cheesecake from BK that Dave brought with my salad. I did not do great on my water either. Back at it again today. Today is weigh day and I got a big ole goose egg. It could have been bad given my imbibing on Saturday so I will take it and run.

In a previous post I mentioned that there are now new "colors" for the Bodybugg and that I would get one in PINK if I was in the market. Well... I decided to go ahead and upgrade to the latest version now. I was going to order the PINK fashion plate but they are out of stock (go figure) so I got a BLUE one. The reason I upgraded now was because they are offering the new bugg for $150 to existing customers. The new ones are a lighter weight, slimmer and do not require AAA batteries. Eventually they will discontinue supporting the older model so I thought I would take advantage of the discounted upgrade cost instead of paying the full price later. The odd thing about the new one is that it is worn on the left arm and the older model is worn on the right. I have never really gotten a good answer as to why but whatever works right? I do think that I will be more inclined to wear this new one because it is thinner and less evident under my clothes. When I wear shorter sleeves with the current one it looks downright funky. I am going to give the other one to a friend of mine who was in the market to buy one. She is super excited about being able to use it and it will be nice to have a bugg buddy :-)

I have to rant for a minute... HG is grating on my very last nerve. The last two nights he has gotten on a rampage and I have been the captive audience. I get that he is frustrated with his situation (jobless and homeless) and I get that he needs to vent but why me? He was personally attacking me and saying I am spoiled, I'm a princess and that I don't have a clue about reality. He said he didn't want to hear how cute something is or how happy I am with x item or whatever. My reaction is that if that was the worst thing you had to endure the last 4 months staying at our place then I am sorry about your friggin luck! I know I am no angel to live with but geez... We have been feeding him, buying him smokes, buying him a beer here and there and this is how he thanks us? When he drinks it just compounds the situation and you can't rationalize with the irrational but grrrrr.... I never expected then when I told him he could stay back in November that it would turn into 4 months. He has totally helped us around the apt. and fixed things etc. so it is all good there but now he is causing me mental anguish and I am not digging it. It is pouring rain and I am not going to kick him out in the storm but if he does it again tonight I may have to - big sigh - Until next time...

P.S. I was given the Creative Writer Award and want to give it a proper post so I will do my list in tomorrow's post.


  1. Hi Katie! Thanks for the sweet comment. How sweet of you to pass on the body bugg to a friend. I think it would be wonderful to have one, but I wonder if I would really wear it to work??? Have a great day...hope things get better at home.

  2. Reading this, you are a much nicer person than me. When I was 18, my parents let a friend move in after she was kicked out of her house. Long story short, she did nothing, mooched, and was a god-awful b*tch, when she said to me much the same what HG said to you (that and a lot of other things over a six month period), it was over and she was out. You're a really good person.

  3. I just found out that I can get a body bugg shipped to Canada now and I'm so going to do that soon. I've wanted one since I first saw it some time ago on BL but was sorely disappointed when I found out they wouldn't ship to Canada - now they do - yeah!

  4. Aw Katie. This is so hard. Good luck with HG. I have a hard time with confrontation. It helps me to role play, and to play out the discussion in my mind first in all the directions it might go. WHen I actually do this, I'm less witchy, and so much more in control of the situation.

    Good luck! That's exciting about your body bugg.

  5. :):):) Love you girl-Did you tell hg about having to leave yet? You are too sweet for words I hope hg finds his way out the door really soon :)

  6. oh no that sounds negative. STAY POSITIVE. you do not need mental stress.

    *jealous* on the body bugg!

    *big hugs* you always remind me about water. thank god.

  7. You have a big heart...and if it gets too bad, stuff your big foot up his big ass. You are WORTH IT.

    I still have the original bugg...I bought a new one use from MIL and my wife has sort of been using it. Either she'll restart using it or I will take it over! HAHAHA.

  8. That houseguest scenario has happened to all of us...and some on both sides of the fence!!!
    Just maybe live and learn, but don't let it get your cortisol levels & stress all out of wack... Know in your heart that this will pass, and it's as good as solved!

  9. Wow I am surprised you haven't kicked him out yet. He shouldn't treat you like that for helping him out. You don't need the added stress.

  10. Just think of the calorie burn you would get from giving HG the whooping of a lifetime. THAT would please your Bugg!!! LOL! I wish I had the money to go back to using mine. Fell too far behind on too many other things to feel able to renew this last time and I miss it :(

  11. Scrap the last part of the last message! I realized that one of the cards that I caught up on I did so to the point of having more than enough to renew ... so I finally did :)

  12. Hey, Katie. Thanks for checking in! Hang in there, babe!

  13. Congratulations on the cute new Bugg! What fun to get it in a color, too! And I love the idea of having a "Bugg Buddy" - I bet that will be extra motivating.

    Frustrating about the HG - hope you can be done with him soon.


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