Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tuesday's Torrid Tales

Well yesterday turned out to be a good day. I was able to get a rental car so now I am mobile again. It is a Mazda5 and it is a zippy little car. It seats 5 and has lots of storage room. It is just a relief to have wheels.

Had dinner at La Paloma with Danielle and Max. I had a Charbroiled Salmon Tostada with mango salsa. I did not drink but I did have some chips and salsa but asked Max to move them to the other side of the table out of my reach. They are addicting!

I ordered the Wii Fit Plus yesterday. It should probably be here tomorrow. I got a Pink balance board cover as well. I am soooo excited!

Not sure what will happen with the apartment situation. I am going to try to think positive and if in fact we have to move again, then so be it. I will just have to deal with it as it comes. The landlord did ask about how many people are living there so I told him it is just Dave and I. I want HG to go now. I do not want to risk getting kicked out for him that is for sure. I want him gone ASAP. Like today... but that probably won't happen. I will work it out with Dave. He knows his days are numbered and I did tell him final final was early this week but in light of Mr. A asking, I would rather be done with it. Until next time...


  1. Glad you are mobile again - it's fun to have a rental car...like going on an extended test-drive.

    I would hate to have the uncertainty about your apartment - both thinking about having to move, and your landlord questioning how many people are living there. Hope things get resolved soon!

  2. One of my most favorite cars ever was a Mazda. Enjoy your wheels! Hoping your apartment situation works out in the best way possible, whatever that may be.

  3. I had a Mazda 6 before I moved here. That thing got me 2 speeding tickets in 2 months. ZOOM ZOOM is so right..lol

    Hope things get better with the apartment situation. Great job on not getting a drink!

  4. zoom zoom is definitely right like Sarah said. I love my little zippy Mazda. Hope the apartment shakes out.

  5. Hey, Katie. I need a place to crash for a month or so. Is that cool?

  6. Rer: HG. Final is early this week? Really? Today is Tuesday--tomorrow is mid-week. Ummmm. That means that "final" is today. Let us know how that went. :) Deb

  7. oooo wii fit plus is so much fun.
    i really do have to dig mine out. and stop saying it and doing it.
    bah. wish i could care.

    good luck with the final final.

  8. We have had a Mazda too.. it is a nice car.
    I hope your apartment situation resolves itself and you don't have to move. Moving is the pitts.

  9. I'm in love with my wii fit plus :)


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