Sunday, May 2, 2010

Oh My Blog Award: Scary AM Picture

Lovely Karen at Fitcetera gave me this peachy award and here is the small print:
  1. Get really excited that you got the coolest award ever!
  2. Choose ONE of the following options of accepting the OMB Award:

A. Get really drunk and blog for 15 minutes straight or for as long as you can focus B. Write about your most embarrassing moment. C. Write a "Soundtrack of your Childhood" post D. Make your next blog a vlog or video blog E. Take a picture of yourself first thing in the a.m.

Well the good news about this award is that I got it on the weekend and there is less traffic on the weekend so less people will see my lovely mug!

Now, I need to come up with three people to pass this on to but I need come up with 3 people who have not received it already and it is too early for me to think so I will post them later or tomorrow. Thanks for the Award Karen! Smooch smooch! Hope you are all having a good weekend! Until next time...


  1. I take your bed head anyday!! Just posted mine and afraid i might scare people :)
    Congratulations on the award

  2. Lovin the bedhead :) Very cute!

  3. You know, I think you look cute, too! And you have great courage! :D Deb

  4. Bedhead!!! Glad you were game for this - the more pajama'd bloggers, the better!

  5. Love the bedhead! You look cute! Congrats on your award- very well deserved!

  6. You look fine! I dont take my makeup off sometimes. I look like medusa.

  7. Congrats on your award, love your smile. :D Thanks for committing to do LHA with us!!!


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