Monday, May 3, 2010

Sleeping with Spiders and other Stories

Had a fantastic weekend! Was very successful at the Outlet stores on Saturday. I got 4 pairs of pants, 5 tops and a pair of shoes plus a few accessories. I will take pictures as I wear them. My company has a banquet in June and I got a blouse with a great necklace to match. We did LOTS of walking but I did not have my bugg on (boo!) Had a nice evening and watched Love Happens with Jennifer Aniston. Cute movie and Dave picked it out.

Sunday I did not have any concrete plans but ended up hanging out with my friend Tony. We played Wii Sports for over an hour and we were super sweaty when we were done! Good times. I beat him at Bowling but he got me on everything else. I sucked at Golf the worst. Did fine on food and sorted stuff while watching my Sunday night shows.

I won a great giveaway on Friday! Seth over at Fit with a Purpose had a wonderful Giveaway with all the items above and I won! I am so excited! It includes the following items: Gold’s gym 65cm Exercise/Body Ball, Jump Rope, and Resistance Tubes, Starter Water Bottle w/watch inside, pedometer, and the newest issue of KC Fitness Magazine (for the local flavor). Stop by Seth's blog when you have a chance. He is an exercising dynamo!

I have at least 30 bites from my big toe to my elbow. I saw some little itty bitty spiders on my bed yesterday so apparently I am sleeping with them! Can you say ewwww!! I guess I am going to have to bomb or something. Ughhh....

I am taking my mom to an appt. this afternoon so I will be leaving work early. We will most likely go to Fish Market so food will be good today. I have decided to post the Oh My Blog award tomorrow. Hope you all had a good weekend! Until next time...


  1. I saw that you won Seth's giveaway - how fun! Looks like a great prize package.

    Nice job at the outlets - you cleaned up! New clothes are so nice...looking forward to seeing your pics.

  2. Congrats on the win - looks like you got lots of great stuff!

    Uh - you went to bed after seeing the spiders or before?? Cause if that was me I'd be on the couch!!!

  3. Thanks Katie, now I have the heebie jeebies! They say that insects crawl all over us all the time when we sleep but really, I wouldn't want to see it!!

  4. Um OMG - I've had that many bites before and they swelled and itched bad. ICKY! Hope you feel better soon!

  5. GREAT stuff! I hope you can get rid of those spiders soon!

  6. I hit the outlets this weekend as well and got some cute new things for Spring. It feels good to get new clothes.

    Now about those spiders,icky,icky!!

  7. Gratz on your Wins and your sweet weekend.

    I would have jumped on the bed screaming and freaking out, or ran out of the house until they were dead... I am afraid of little spiders!

  8. Ewwwwww!!! Now I am itching allll over. Ewwww! Ewwwww! Ewwwwww! Okay, I can't say anything other than Ewwwwww! Deb

  9. So glad you had a great weekend, and I am excited you won such a wonderful giveaway. how very appropriate you exercise enthusiast. as for the spiders, I swear I would rather an elephant walk through the room, at least I can see take care. good luck.

  10. Cool prize! New clothes love it! Can;t wait to see pics.
    Call your landlord pronto and make THEM get rid of the spiders!!!EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!
    Seriously, spider bits are nothing to take lightly I had one get infected and had to go to the doc get meds it was a total pain in the ass!


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