Monday, August 2, 2010

I'm back - Post #500

This is Post #500! That just amazes me that I have done that many in the last year and a half. What a ride it's been!

Did you miss me? I missed you guys and thought about you a lot while I was gone.

I got home from the cruise on Saturday afternoon. We had a wonderful time! The weather was really nice and I even managed to get a tan :-) I will post the pics once I find my cord. We had to do the walk-thru at the old apartment at 5:30 p.m. It went as well as could be expected. We are still bound to the lease but we are going to sue him for all the damages and mental anguish and I have no doubt we will win. Enough on that...

Saturday night was the 1st night in the new place. I had to do some unpacking of the apartment so I could find a few things. Happened to jump on the scale to assess any damages and I lost 2 lbs! Last year I stayed the same weight but I was pleasantly surprised to see that I lost! I made good choices, ate lots of seafood and was active so that is why.

Yesterday we unpacked more things and I made some major headway. Made my first dinner there. I bbq'd chicken with a caeser salad and roasted potatoes. Tried the new Breyer's ice cream bars with 80 cals and no artificial flavorings or ingredients. They are tasty! I want to try the strawberry flavored ones but Target only had the chocalate ones.

Here is a link to the pictures. The picture above is from a Flower & Statue garden in Skagway. I need to get to work so until next time...


  1. Glad to hear you had a great trip and a loss!!! Way to go!

  2. Welcome back and way to go losing weight while cruising!

  3. Great job losing on a cruise. This has got to be a first since the dawn of eternity!

    Katie - I sent your package to your old address - hopefully you'll get it, or it's waiting at the post office for you? Let me know when you get a chance.

    Glad you're back - I missed you.

  4. Welcome back, Katie! Glad you had such a good vacation - freaking awesome on LOSING weight while on a cruise!!!

    Enjoy setting up your new place - glad you are there now!

  5. Yeah! Welcome back! We've missed you!

  6. Welcome back! I can't wait to see your pictures!

  7. Post #500?! Congrats!

    Oh and welcome back. . . and kudos on the new apartment AND delicious dinner!

    (You have a lot of positive stuff going on!)

    Glad you had a great time and lost this week!

    Can't wait to see the photos. (I think maybe your camera cord and my camera cord ran away together - I can't seem to find mine either.)

  8. I can't wait to hit the link to the pics-hooray for losing 2lbs on vacation-who does that? Katie is who~

  9. Your pics are great-you and your mom are too cute~

  10. Welcome back! and Wohoo on the lost pounds!!!

    You were missed. :D


  11. Welcome back and congrats on losing weight while on vacation and a cruise at that!

  12. I'm so proud of you for losing 2 lbs on your cruise- that's just amazing- I could never do that on vacation!!

  13. Can't wait for the pics...and I do hope you succeed with your housing situation...good luck.

    Congrats on #500! I'll be around for the next 500.

  14. I missed you!! :) glad you're back and I can't wait to read your next 500 posts!

  15. Glad to hear that you are back & had a loss!! That makes it all better! Grabbed a postcard to mail from Turkiye to you but nothing can be simple for me I am thinking. They were out of stamps and wouldn't get any in before I left. So I can mail a Turkiye postcard from Germany if you would like. Bet you don't have one of I am really sorry. I had it all filled out and ready to go.

  16. Good to have you back! Congratulations on your 500th post! :o)

  17. Welcome back and great job on the loss on a cruise! :-)


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