Friday, December 10, 2010

Hot 100 Update #11 Etc.

Managed to etch out my target deficit. Dave made some fajitas for dinner and they were dynamite! We recently got an electric skillet and it has been our new best friend lately! Stir frying and sauteeing veggies etc.

On to the update:
  1. I will lose 2 lbs. per week. I gained 3 lbs (261)
  2. I will wear my bodybugg from 7:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. daily. I wore it 2/7 days
  3. I will exercise a min. of 30 mins - 5 days per week. I did 2 days this week
Well this last week was a bust goal wise. I am not really surprised about the gain because I am feeling very puffy with the allergic reaction. We are going to go to the mini-gym today and hopefully I will get to the gym this weekend.

So here is the "after" picture of our wittle twee. It was fun decorating it with Dave. We watched Shrek the Halls while decorating.  I ended up using both clear and colored bulbs and then pink, red and green ornaments. I did break down and buy tinsel. Dave said that we will put it on on Christmas Eve. That is what his family did and I am game. He is the one who cleans the apt. so I guess he will have to deal with the aftermath of the tinsel LOL

Tomorrow is Blinky's Christmas party. I will be helping Danielle with preperations and decorating. I have a new sweater that I will be wearing. My mom bought it for me as an early gift and I  intended on wearing it for our work "Holiday" luncheon but we are going to have a potluck now so I will come up with something else to wear for that. I will post pictures if they turn out okay ;-) Until next time...


  1. That's so ironic about the tinsel... when I was growing up, the tinsel was put on Christmas Eve too and then when we got up Christmas Day, Santa would have added candy canes!

  2. Keep trying hard to reach your goals. Make sticky notes and write down your goals on them and leave them around the house. That was you'll have a constant reminder. :)

  3. The tree looks really pretty! Have a wonderful weekend, Katie! :)

  4. Hi Katie, been a follower for a while now, love your blog, not sure how long you've had your allergy this time but Christmas trees can causes itching,

    Rachel x

  5. Pretty tree!

    You've done a terrific job so far - it looks like I'm not the only one who will be ending the year on a much different note!

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving such a nice comment on my latest photo. Hey, those pants were HEAVY to hold up. LOL

    Keep up the good work! Let's end 2010 on a positive weight loss note!!

  6. Tell me about the skillet---
    I think Santa might brin me one....
    as I have torn up the George Foreman grill!
    Cute tree, byt the way!


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