Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Snap Out of It!

Seems like forever since I posted but it was only 3 days ago. Maybe because I wasn't able to post Wednesday or Thursday because of my hand. It is feeling better by the way. Not 100% but much better.

I want to announce the winners of the Camelback Giveaway: Kriggers and MB. I don't have an email for you Kriggers so please contact me with your address so I can mail your bottle.

The weekend was a F-A-I-L. I have no one to blame but myself. I let my current circumstances etch away at my resolve and I ended up gorging on assorted items that I had no business buying or eating like cookies or M&Ms. I also did not want to cook so we had pizza and junk food too... bleccchhhh... I feel like crap today... food hangover... yuck... and to think I spent years feeling like this all the time... gives me a new appreciation for my healthy eating.

What I need to do is Snap the Hell Out of it! Eating like that is not solving anything and it is making me feel worse emotionally and physically. I have goals to meet and plans to make and this is getting me NO WHERE! I am worth the time and effort it takes and I need to be MY priority. No one is going to do this for me and I should not let anyone hinder my progress. It is not selfish to take care of yourself, Katie J!

The good news is I have my food and snacks all packed for work and I have my pink Cambelback next to my coffee cup so I am prepared to have a good day. I also am getting a pedi after work.  Until next time...


  1. Great way to turn it around! Congrats. Cheers~

  2. Katie J, Thank you!!! I almost bought myself a new water bottle but told myself, "no, I am going to see who wins Katie J's contest!" Its ME!! Thank you!!!! Kriggers@netzero.com

  3. Alright Katie - you can do it! Make this a good week...be kind to yourself. :)

  4. Treat yourself at least as well as someone you really love. You wouldn't beat on a friend like that would you now? Make it a great week - you can do it!

  5. I totally understand where you are coming from. But one good thing is that we recognize it much sooner than we did before. Back on the road to success.....

  6. So excited to win a new water bottle especially since I have been slacking in getting enough H2O.

    I also need to snap out of the pity party I've been having for myself and remember that food doesn't solve anything but hunger.

    Thanks again Katie!

    Hope we both snap out of it and get back on track.



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