Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Tools That Help

Well I had the Fitbit on but did not track my food. I waited too long to eat dinner and ate too much Gnocchi. It was really good though.

I have had trial and error with the different cat products. One that has been a true life saver is the Litter Genie. It works like a Diaper Genie but for kitties. Instead of schlepping kitty stuff to the garbage daily, I can do it weekly. When it was just Bogey it would be two weeks!

I promise I'm not becoming a cat blog! I just thought I would share the product that is helped me so much lately. Until next time...


  1. There is a coupon out for $10 off these right now I saw somewhere btw. :)

  2. Hi Katie, hope you're well! :D


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