Monday, September 23, 2013

That One Clear Call

Our Mother heard that one clear call,
Which summoned her away.
She left us for a better home,
Where there is perfect day.
She left us for a home on high,
To dwell forever 'neath God's sky.
We'll miss her so in coming days,
Through many lonely hours;
But she is dwelling up above,
Amidst God's fairest flowers;
Where there is always joy and rest,
In realms of peace, among the blest.

My mom had this in with her mother's picture from her wedding day. I thought I would share...

Peace be with you,


  1. Katie that's lovely - really pertinent for me too at the moment.

  2. Beautiful words.
    Hope you are well Katie. :)

  3. What lovely words.
    Sorry I've not been around... I just hardly ever find the time to read blogs now! It's having a baby in the house! I just love spending time with him and his Mummy.


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