Tuesday, June 30, 2020

What A Long Strange Trip It's Been...

Bonus points if you know what that reference is. Here is the link to the video.

I can't believe that it has been 6 months since I posted last! Seems like every time I come back here I say the same thing. I am really going to try to commit to using my blog again. I was most successful when I did blog consistently.

I turned 54 years old on June 21st. Holy Sh*t!!! Next year I am eligible for Senior Discounts!
I have gained 5 pounds since this whole Covid-19 situation happened. I have lost 100 lbs. to date. I dipped really close to Onderland before this all came down.  I have been working from home since mid-March so that and being quarantined has not helped. The only real exercise I am getting is at the dog park with Sophie. I haven't been going as much which I will talk about next post. Aside from the fact that is blazing outside!

I actually joined Planet Fitness a few days ago.  My company pays the Annual Fee. It is super close to my house so NO EXCUSES  except that since I am in AZ and cases are spiking here, we are going back to quarantine status so they will re-open in 30 days (hopefully). My friend and I would like to start working out regularly. The bonus of the membership is that they have other amenities. One of them is Red-Light Therapy. It is very effective in treating skin issues. I have a few things like Eczema, NLD and HS. Lucky me with the trifecta of skin issues!!! Red-Light Therapy has done wonders for my skin. I used it back in Cali and it really was effective. Now I can do the gym AND the Red-Light therapy and it is $22 which is not bad at all. It is an investment in ME right? I am worth it!

That's about it for now. I will hopefully be back tomorrow!

Until next time...

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