Thursday, January 7, 2010

Clearing the Decks

I put my Christmas decorations away last night. It looks so bare now! I was able to get out for a short walk after dinner last night but I did not have the bugg on so there was more calories burned then what is shown above. Dave asked me to make some Blueberry muffins which I did. I ate two of them and told myself to save the other one for the a.m. Well... I ended up eating it... grrrr... I feel like I have made some major strides in the food department but then sh*t like that happens and it knocks it down a notch.

I have an appt. on Monday after work to meet with Ms. R at the Senior Center. I think I am already approved because she wants to give me an orientation of the facility and why would she want to show it to me if I wasn't able to use it right? I am excited about this!

Going at lunchtime to get a full length mirror at Target (I big puffy heart Tar-jay) I have not had one since I moved and it is driving me batty! As much as I loathe looking at myself in the mirror at times, I really like having one. I want to give myself a once over before I leave the house.

Nothing on the agenda for tonight. Planning on walking tonight and extending the route a little. Until next time...

P.S. Don't forget to enter MY giveaway!


  1. I lurve Target too, could spend hours and wayyyyy too much money at that place. And I totally relate to the mirror thing, even though it ain't always looking as good as I like, I still like to catch a glance and make sure all is looking a-ok!
    Have a good day and fun shopping! :)

  2. Target is my favorite place to shop. I love getting great deals on clearance. And don't beat yourself up too much. I know how it is to be tempted by others or by food for others. Parents are so sweet to constantly bring food up for the school for teachers to eat, but if you are on a diet, it can be unneccessary temptation. I have been fighting off the goodies all week!

  3. Woohoo, it's like old times seeing your bugg updates! Too bad about eating that third muffin - it makes me mad when I do thing like that, too!

    I love Target - have fun getting your mirror (and if you're anything like me, several other items you didn't know you needed!).

    Glad it seems like you are getting in with the senior center - workouts, here you come!

  4. Hi, Katie! When does the giveaway take place?

  5. Everyone definitely needs a full length mirror - you don't have to scrutinize, a once over is good because what if your skirt is tucked into your pantyhose?

  6. I love Target, too! So much better than Walmart, that's for sure. Have fun on your walk.

  7. Oh don't beat yourself up too much over a muffin. It will all even out I'm sure.

    Now I have to get my Christmas stuff ina box.

  8. I think you are doing great. Congrats on getting a full time mirror - I think that is a big step. I am glad you are meeting someone at the senior center. It will be cool to be able to use the facilities, esp since they are so close to your house.

  9. yikes...i can not do the baking - if its in the house its going in the mouth!!

    More walking si good though.. Keep on it! :D

  10. Tarjay is fab. Hope you get into the center then. :)

  11. Target warms my heart too! All the work you are putting in...dont beat yourself up over the muffin. Its already digested. Just keep moving in the right direction!

  12. Katie, I like the way this year is going for you so far. You are working the plan! Good Good..


  13. I love love love Target! I apologize for being absent for so long. Life has been busy! I rarely get to visit my friends here.

    How is the weight loss going? I am still moving down (hallelujah).

    Just wanted to check on you. Have a super blessed day!


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