Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Will You or Won't You?

So I had this whole post done and it did not save! Grrrrrrr!!!

Weight is holding steady... Blecccccchhhh!

My blood sugars are not good. My HbA1C is 12. Double what it should be. It sucks. I met with a PharmD who is trying to get me back on track. I need to be tested to see what my current stats are. I am really bad at testing. I would rather poke my belly then prick my fingers. I need to get a F***ing grip!

Since I am getting older **cough cough** I need to get my ducks in a row. I did not have the assets I had before so it is a whole different ball game. No one wants to deal with Wills/Trusts but it is such an IMPORTANT thing to do for those left behind. I have witnessed what deaths can do to the survivors when it comes to money. My brother and I were lucky that everything was very well spelled out so there was no questions. I also have to do an Advanced Directive which will let everyone know about my final wishes and end of life decisions. I even have a list of music I want played at my service. May seem weird but like I said, less decisions for someone else to make.

That is about it for now. Hope this post saves!!!

Until next time...


  1. I’m so glad you’re back to blogging! Let’s go!

  2. You are so wise, Katie, to do this. We need to do it too, as we learned last December. Go get your finger pricked, it will be over in a second. You got this. Jo

  3. Yeah! hail hail the gangs all here! This will be fun.


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